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Get to Know How DMI Can Help Students

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How DMI Can Help Students


Whenever we think about the career it makes us confused by raising questions like; which career we should select? How to start a career? When to start a career? Lots of career options create confusion, and if we sort with the confusion we don’t get the path to start the career. This is where How DMI Can Help Students comes into play.

What is a career?

 A career is a succession in the goals and objectives we had set for our life. To make a career first we need to set goals and start working for those goals. Understanding How DMI Can Help Students can be beneficial in this process.

At the time of career selection, we think about our likings, but not every like we select as a career will turn into a successful career. The things we like to do, which we call passion while doing it, if it just satisfies us and not helping others then it is just a hobby, not a passion.

Our passion should help others which will create some earning later. But it should not be about generating earning, you must enjoy that work. Without having an interest in working for something is not a career, it is just a motive behind earning money. This is why understanding How DMI Can Help Students is crucial.

How to reach a career?

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions in life. Begin to choose profession from the base because it helps to identify interests, prepares mentally and intellectually for a career, provides a smoother transition between studies and career, and provides networking opportunities. Also, ask questions such as: What I like? What I can do? And what should I do?

What we like is the initial phase of choosing a career. What type of work we enjoy and with whom we want to work, are major things to choose a perfect career path. It is very easy to turn hobbies or something you love doing into a career.

Simply thinking about likings isn’t sufficient to pick a career option. Know about strengths, skills, interests, and values together which will fulfill career requirements.

In the wake of choosing a career, start looking the ideal way for it. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see the areas in life where we excel, so get a mentor who will tell you have been good at. Work on getting to know skills, interests, and values. 

Difference between Career and Passion

Everybody is always passionate about something. Passion is the difference between having a job or having a career and when passion comes together with a career it turns into a successful career. 

A job is work you perform to earn money. There is the only motive behind doing a job is to earn money. But when we enjoy working with a career perspective, it’s called working for a career. 

When we work for someone without interest, it is a waste of time and a waste of skills. Work with interest and make your skills wroth full. 

How DMIT helps students to select a Perfect Career?

DMIT helps students to identify the Best Boards based on learning styles. 

To improve the relationship between parents and children, it identifies inborn talents and weaknesses helping define activities and hobbies. 

To develop children’s confidence, it gives tailor-made solutions for acquiring. 

It gives clear stream selections to remove all stress factors. 

Discovers your ability to choose the right path.

Identifies your competencies and inborn skill-sets to invest wisely in suitable self-development programs. 

It identifies the most suitable learning and leadership styles, by assessing your EQ, IQ, AQ, and CQ. 

To get a successful career, we require a perfect mentor or guide, and DMIT is the best option to get guidance for a successful career path.  

Surekha Bhosale is one of the best DMIT counselors for many years. Till date, she has counsel 200+ students in DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) counseling. She helps students regarding career path identification at an early age, by using Intelligence Theory, brain analysis. Her counseling helps students to work with their Inborn Talent, Best Learning Style, and Innate Potential.

Know more about Expert Mrs. Surekha Bhosale on

To book an appointment for DMIT counseling visit

Also, join FREE Career Counselling – DMIT Webinar on June 04th, 2020, at 4 PM. 


Q1: What is a career?

A1: A career is the pursuit of goals and objectives we set for our lives, involving work that aligns with our passions and interests.

Q2: How to choose a career?

A2: Start by identifying your interests, strengths, skills, and values. Seek guidance from mentors and explore various options to find the right fit.

Q3: What's the difference between a job and a career?

A3: A job is simply work done for money, while a career involves pursuing work aligned with one's passions and interests for long-term fulfillment.

Q4: How does DMIT help in career selection?

A4: DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) identifies innate talents, learning styles, and potential career paths based on an individual's unique strengths and abilities.

Q5: Who is Surekha Bhosale and how does she help with career guidance?

A5: Surekha Bhosale is an experienced DMIT counselor who helps students identify their career paths by analyzing their intelligence, brain structure, and innate potential. Visit her website for more information and counseling appointments.

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