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Beginner’s Guide to Career in Blogging: What You Need to Know

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So, you’re curious about career in blogging? Awesome! Let’s break it down in simple terms. Blogging for beginners is like sharing your thoughts and experiences on the internet. It’s not just writing – you can add pictures, videos, and cool stuff to make it interesting for others.

Getting started is easier than you think. Platforms like WordPress, Blogger, or Medium provide user-friendly interfaces to create and publish your content. Simply pick a topic you’re passionate about, and let your creativity flow. As you gain traction, engaging with your audience through comments and social media can foster a sense of community around your blog. Remember, consistency is key. Regular updates keep your readers coming back for more and help you establish your online presence. So, whether you’re aiming for a personal diary or dreaming of becoming the next blogging sensation, embrace the journey and enjoy the process! Explore the basics of blogging and discover the potential of a fulfilling professional blogging career.

How to Start Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Find Your Passion

First things first, figure out what you love! Your blog will be more fun if it’s about something you really care about. It could be your hobbies, experiences, or anything you’re excited to talk about.

  1. Write Cool Stuff

Now, let’s write! Share interesting stories, tips, or whatever you’re into. Make it fun for people to read. The more engaging your content, the more people will want to check out your blog.

  1. Use Google Tricks

Ever heard of SEO? It’s like using Google tricks to help more people find your blog. Learn a bit about keywords, meta tags, and stuff like that. It sounds techy, but it’s not too hard!

  1. Be You!

Make your blog special by being yourself. Write in a way that feels like you’re talking to a friend. That personal touch makes your blog awesome!

What’s in Store for Bloggers?

  1. What You Can Write About

You can write about anything! From your daily adventures to things you’re good at, the possibilities are endless. Blogs can be like your online diary or a helpful guide for others.

  1. Money Talk

Believe it or not, you can make money from your blog! Ads, sponsored content, and even selling cool stuff can bring in some cash. It might not be millions right away, but hey, it’s something!

  1. No Need for Degrees

Good news – you don’t need fancy degrees to be a blogger. Your passion and knowing your stuff matter more. Keep learning and stay curious.

  1. Skills You Need

Here are some handy skills:

  • Writing Skills: Tell your stories well.
  • SEO Knowledge: Learn a bit about getting noticed on Google.
  • Social Media Skills: Share your blog on Instagram, Facebook, and other cool places.
  • Checking Stats: Keep an eye on how many people like your blog.
  • Be Ready to Change: Things on the internet change, so be ready to try new stuff.

Starting a blog is like starting a cool adventure. Remember, it’s about sharing what makes you unique. Whether it’s your daily tales or your super skills, have fun with it. Happy blogging! Explore the basics of blogging and discover the potential of a fulfilling professional blogging career.


Engaging in blogging can manifest as a full-time passion for some individuals, while for others, it serves as a lucrative side hustle.

As part of the Basics of Blogging Course, participants will gain hands-on experience in developing a blog site utilizing WordPress, a widely-used and free content management system. By the end of the assignment, participants will be proficient in creating a business blog that not only resembles a professional website but also offers the potential for incorporating e-commerce plugins. This virtual platform provides an avenue for showcasing one’s company to clients interested in staying connected.

Key features of the Basics of Blogging Course include:

  1. WordPress Proficiency: Participants will acquire essential skills in using WordPress for blog development.

  2. Business Blog Creation: The course empowers individuals to build a blog that serves as a virtual representation of their company, offering opportunities for customer engagement.

  3. E-commerce Plugin Integration: Participants will explore possibilities for integrating e-commerce plugins into their blogs, expanding their understanding of online business functionalities.

  4. Online Presence Enhancement: Through the course, individuals will learn strategies to enhance their online presence, catering to a broader audience.

In the realm of a career in blogging, the course unlocks several noteworthy features:

  1. Flexibility: Blogging offers the flexibility to turn a passion into a full-time career or pursue it as a side hustle.

  2. Creative Expression: Individuals can creatively express themselves through blogging, sharing their thoughts, experiences, and expertise.

  3. Website Development Skills: The practical experience gained in creating a blog site equips participants with valuable website development skills.

  4. E-commerce Opportunities: Understanding e-commerce plugins opens avenues for monetizing the blog, providing potential income streams.

In essence, the Basics of Blogging Course not only imparts fundamental skills for blog creation but also unveils the diverse possibilities within a rewarding career in blogging. Explore the potential of becoming a professional blogger and establish your unique

Online Certifications

Successful completion of the Basics of Blogging Course Online ensures that candidates receive an ISO Approved Certificate, enhancing their visibility and standing during placements and recruitment processes.

Upon finishing the course, candidates will be awarded the Basics of Blogging Course Online Training Certificate as a testament to their acquired skills.

It’s important to note that the certificate will only be issued to candidates who successfully complete the course. This certification adds significant value to individuals aspiring for a career in blogging, emphasizing their expertise in the basics of blogging and positioning them as professionals in the field. Explore the potential of a fulfilling professional blogging career through comprehensive online training.

Why opt for the Basics of Blogging Course Online?

Blogging has emerged as a prevalent form of writing in today’s world, encompassing journalism, marketing, business, entrepreneurship, and artistic self-expression. While it might initially seem like a passing trend or a mere hobby, blogging serves multiple crucial functions.

First and foremost, blogs have gained popularity due to their user-friendly nature. Starting a blog is a simple and effective way to establish your personal or professional brand’s online presence. Consistently creating content allows you to position yourself as an expert in a particular field or on specific issues.

Secondly, blogging aligns seamlessly with search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo prioritize unique content, making blogs an excellent tool for web designers and entrepreneurs looking to enhance their online visibility.

Lastly, blogging stands out as one of the most cost-effective and efficient methods to promote services and products. By driving traffic to your website, blogs serve as a powerful tool for boosting your online store. Explore the basics of blogging and discover the potential of a fulfilling professional blogging career.

Career Prospects

People of various ages, nationalities, and genders are encouraged to blog. To communicate the issue and entertain people through it, all you need is a basic understanding of technology and decent writing skills. As a result, blogging is the sole job that people of all ages can undertake.

Because of the growing population, every country’s work opportunities are dwindling. Unemployment and recession are afflicting the majority of countries around the world. Finding a source of money is a pressing need. This is a low-cost business opportunity. Blogging can earn you money and provide you a lot of exposure on the web. All you need now is a solid foundation. People who work full-time or run their own enterprises can make blogging a part-time career and earn additional money. Furthermore, blogging does not necessitate a significant financial investment. This is one of the most important advantages of it.


Candidates who wish to pursue the best Blogging Course Online for beginners, must enroll themselves today itself for our well-known designing course. Hrishi Online Buddhi got you covered. Here are some of the key highlights of our Basics of Blogging Course

If you are eager to learn Basics of Blogging Online, HRISHI ONLINE BUDDHI got you all covered with the course as well as career counselling which we are providing you with. Taught by industry experts this Basics of Blogging Course Online will help you get a step further to entering the marketing industry. Enroll in today and avail all the benefits along with great deals on the courses. 

Hrishi Online Buddhi

ISO 9001:2015 Certified NO:1 Platform to LEARN, EXCEL, and CERTIFY ONLINE with over 17+ years of experience in leading OFFLINE and professional training programs, academic coaching, training, and workshops for various technologies as well as Government-funded courses and projects. Hrishi Computer Education has not only aided & certified over 35,000+ students but has also enhanced their career prospects.

To encourage the continuity of education for several students at home Hrishi Computer Education has a digital learning program – HRISHI ONLINE BUDDHI.

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