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3 Ways 5G Will Influence Digital Advertising


Buzz around the world about the news of 5G – the next step in cellular network technology is growing louder, and for a good reason. 5G assures to transcend today’s internet speeds by a factor of 10…at least. As this new age of internet connectivity dawns, the potential that the fifth generation of wireless cellular technology standards has for business and marketing is forcing advertisers to take a closer look as well. How is it important for digital advertisers? How will the influence of 5G change digital advertising? How can a business embrace 5G? Well, this is exactly what you’ll learn about in this blog article. So let’s begin…

But before that do you know – What is 5G and why is it such a Big Deal?

Technologically speaking, it’s very much an evolution of our current cellular technology. As the name indicates, it is the fifth generation of cellular technology. It’s the latest global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks

5G wireless technology is meant to deliver

  • Higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds: 5G can be imperatively quick than 4G, delivering up to 20 Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) peak data rates and 100+ Megabits-per-second (Mbps) average data rates.
  • Ultra low latency: 5G is designed to significantly reduce latency. Overall, this generation of wireless is anticipated to deliver a 10X decrease in end-to-end latency.
  • More reliability: You will have less concern with dropped connections or how many devices you have connected to the 5G network; it’s that much more reliable.
  • Massive network capacity: 5G has more capacity than 4G. 5G is developed to support a 100x increase in network efficiency and traffic capacity.
  • Increased availability: The availability of 5G is expected to fuel mobile data traffic growth up to 99.999%.
  • More uniform user experience: It delivers an overall more uniform user experience so that the data rates remain consistently high, even when users are moving around.

Why is 5G such a Big Deal?

Consider the leap from 3G to 4G, starting in 2010. The additional bandwidth offered by 4G spurred all from mobile video to Uber. 5G—with speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G, could provide a similar quantum jump. And this time around, it’s developing side by side with continuing advances in artificial intelligence, the worldwide rollout of IoT devices, and the evolution of augmented and virtual reality.

Now that you know what it encompasses, let’s dive in ahead to learn more…

Significance of 5G for Digital Advertisers

The technology naturally presents a real opportunity for the existing mobile advertising ecosystem.

Advertisers will be enabled by 5G to run richer advertising formats like interactive adverts or high-quality video, in a less disruptive manner. Advertising exchange speeds will maximize (and so will the speed by which users access apps), developing the market further. And 5G will lessen the disruptiveness of adverts since richer formats will load and run while taking a comparatively smaller share of the user’s accessible data.

But advertisers and marketers need to think more boldly than that. 5G matters as it will put mobile firmly at the heart of the entire world economy.

The above Infographic explains 5G mobile connection experience.

Influence of 5G in Digital Advertising

What makes 5G so revolutionary? To help you prepare for the new era of wireless networks, here are 3 Ways How 5G Will Affect Digital Advertising:

  • Faster Load Speeds

What entices to advertisers is 5G’s quick data loads. Remember how broadband Internet-fueled digital media utilization on desktops, and thereafter drove digital advertising opportunities? Faster speeds mean more content to view – apps, web pages, games, and more. It will then translate to more advertising possibilities on mobile devices. Envision how much more clients utilize their mobile devices when content is fed to them at a quick rate.

  • Improved Ad Experiences

There is a lot of potential to improve ad quality and delivery on mobile devices – thus, boosting the user experience. Mobile advertising suffers from latency and lag times that have long impacted the split-second load of both intended ads and page’s contents. In an age where people are scrolling continuously, slower load times rob advertisers of the opportunity to associate with the correct consumer at the correct time. While the jury is still out on whether or not 5G allows access to higher quality video in ads, a simple factor like loading an ad on-time can boost the user’s experience and make them slightly annoyed with ads.

  • B2B Targeting

This observation may be quite a leap to forecast against, although 5G can enhance targeting for niche business-focused audiences. At Mobile World Congress, Qualcomm clearly indicated that 4G was about consumers and 5G is about enterprises. Its speeds will enable business applications to run more smoothly, producing more activity and use. This results in more precise up-to-date user information. These business app experiences are formidable to perfect in mobile. B2B advertisers may create more tactics and techniques as 5G juices business application usage. Faster speeds, enhanced and purposeful feature in apps and other connected spaces leads to a scalable volume of data on highly sought-after business decision makers and business professionals.

4 Key Technical Skills a Business Needs To Adopt 5G

1 – Machine learning algorithms for Big Data

The introduction of 5G will cause businesses to harvest more data from sensors and connected devices. As a result, you will require expertise to extract this Big Data and build algorithms to offer insights and analytics from it to optimize your business processes and models.

For instance, skills in Node.js may be useful. This is an open source environment for server-side web development that has gained in popularity in recent times, partly due to its capability to manage connected devices like the Raspberry Pi. It’s also a low-resource overhead, and businesses, involving PayPal, Netflix, and Uber, reportedly utilize this framework.

2 – GPS development and IoT-focused design

5G could transform smart devices however, most of these, involving smart vehicles and wearables, are location-aware and utilize GPS technology. Smart, connected devices will also overhaul the recent design principles. The growing network of connected products refers a new set of mechanical engineering skills.

For instance, the AutoCAD design software could be a useful skill set as it enables late-stage design modifications to be made.

3 – Wide ranging of cloud-based and security skills

Any skills around endpoint security and software will be important in the 5G era. Furthermore, your networks will have to scale to cope with the maximized volumes of traffic as millions more devices enter the corporate space. Knowledge of virtualization and cloud-based technologies will, therefore, be crucial to meet the demands of the 5G network.

A large demand for 5G-ready telecoms engineers is anticipated too. Engineers will need to widen their technical knowledge and keep up to date with the cloud-based technologies and latest security protocols 5G will present to the world’s wireless networks.

4 – Electrical engineering on the small scale

The creation of connected devices will cause a surge in demand for electrical engineers to help with embedded device development for mobile applications and other smart devices. 

Engineers, in specific, will need to design systems with future-proofed circuit designs for low-power consumption. Experience with micro-controller programming will be useful too.

Six Compelling Future Use Cases of 5G

More Real-Time Data for Better Decisions

Whether it’s a retail environment, a healthcare facility, or a power utility grid, 5G can deliver reliable data in real-time that can help an establishment make better decisions. Because it can transmit so much data so faster, a 5G network can process and gather data from multiple sources so people can actually view and address potential problems as they’re happening instead of trying to find out what went wrong after the fact. This enables for dynamic decision-making and rapid optimization that reflects the reality on the ground.

Expanded Industrial IoT

Manufacturers are already making extensive use of IoT sensors to optimize both logistics and production and monitor performance. Lower latency and maximized wireless flexibility will enable them to further streamline their infrastructure, develop semi-automated and interconnected smart factories, and maximize visibility throughout their supply chains.

Improved Healthcare Networks

Trips to the doctor’s office may become as rare as house calls, thanks to virtual visits allowed by low-latency, HD-quality wireless networks. Implanted or wearable medical devices will capture your vitals and transfer them to health care providers, enabling them to detect early warning signs of strokes, heart attacks, or other life-threatening events. High-speed wireless networks will also enable telesurgery, where specialists from one hospital control equipment in different facility hundreds of miles away. That day may be closer than you think.

Smart City Applications

Another 5G application that is exciting is smart city technology. Cities around the globe are experimenting with digital solutions that could improve safety, decrease traffic congestion, and make public services more efficient. Smart IoT sensors could potentially transfer data faster over 5G networks to notify commuters of traffic conditions, alert city officials of issues, or even notify people of open parking spaces.

Autonomous Vehicles

Self-driving cars may not quite be here in huge numbers just yet, but the lack of a powerful 5G network is one of the reasons why they’re not a more usual sight on the road. Since 5G is especially effective at transmitting data between moving objects, it will be absolutely vital to the success of autonomous vehicle networks, which will need to provide large amounts of data between vehicles. Other connectivity needs like remote diagnostics, operating system updates, predictive maintenance, in-car payments, and fleet management will be difficult to scale without the power of 5G networks.

Virtual Spaces

Thanks to 5G’s low latency and high-bandwidth, virtual and augmented reality could ultimately become a practical reality. VR telepresence apps will enable colleagues in distant cities to work “at the same time,” or sports fans to experience the roar of the Football crowd from their couches at comfort. While the major carriers are busy installing limited versions of 5G in cities around the globe, devices competent of accessing 5G networks are just beginning to appear, and ultra-high-speed deployments are still many years away.

In Short

With advanced technology like 5G, its performance and what it enables presents a great deal of incredibly dynamic opportunities to look forward to in the quickly evolving marketing landscape. It will not only reshape the advertising industry and the ways to reach and interact with audiences but also help marketers as they look to evolve brands and leverage much more as mobile speeds grow.

Are you ready to embrace 5G technology?

 Here’s your Takeaway on How You can Prepare for 5G? 

In a 5G world, marketing will purely be data-driven with messaging provided to individuals, not the masses. To really hit the ground running when 5G rolls in, it’s helpful to begin asking big questions, such as: 

Q: What if speed and latency were no longer an issue? 

Q: What projects would we create? Could we use AR and VR? 

Q: Could we use more customer data, or use a customer data platform (CDP) in our marketing? 

Don’t pause for the customer data revolution to come to you before you embrace the new digital marketing revolution.

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