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What is a Communication System? Exploring its Intricacies

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What is a Communication System


If you’re asking, “What is a Communication System”, it’s a way of conveying the message from the sender to the receiver. A communication system is a system model that describes a communication exchange between transmitter and receiver. In the communication system, signals or information passes from source to distention through a channel, which represents a way that signals use it to move from the source toward the destination. So, understanding “What is a Communication System” is crucial for anyone looking to delve into the field of communication systems.

Communication system and their types


Q1: What is a Communication System?

A1: A Communication System is a means of conveying messages from a sender to a receiver, involving transmission through a channel.

Q2: What are the basic components of a Communication System?

A2: The basic components include the Information Source, Transmitter, Channel, Receiver, and Destination.

Q3: What are the types of Communication Systems?

A3: Types include Radio Communication, Optical Communication, Duplex Communication, Half Duplex Communication, and Tactical Communication Systems.

Q4: How does a Radio Communication System work?

A4: Radio Communication involves transmitting signals via radio waves from a transmitter with an antenna to a receiver with an antenna.

Q5: What distinguishes Half Duplex from Duplex Communication?

A5: In Half Duplex, communication occurs one-way at a time, whereas Duplex allows simultaneous two-way communication between parties.

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